To parallel Blizzard's Cataclysm expansion and contest, we created a similar assignment in which students created product ads or propaganda posters related to the Cataclysm storyline. Unfortunately, these weren't completed in time for submission to Blizzard's official contest, but they are all worthy efforts! These represent not only students' understanding of advertising and propaganda writing, but also their first attempts at basic photo editing using GIMP.
Iron Jaw Gas Masks by Ahsenom
Rat Muffs by Siyris
Fire Repellent Wood by Dragstadon
Gnome X by Array
Flipzenhagen's Fabulous Fire-Proof Force Field by Flipzenhagen
Safegard Gum by Draksmith
Friendly Spray by Monchy
Flame Coat by Sarishroot
What Would You Do? by Catayalan
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