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Page history last edited by Lucas Gillispie 13 years, 6 months ago

Here are some of the presentations related to the WoWinSchool Project:

Diane Lewis in Seminole County Schools, shares her perspectives and observations from implementing WoWinSchool in Seminole County Schools in Florida.

In this presentation, look at a side-by-side comparison of the typical classroom and World of Warcraft.  Examples of student work from the 2010-2011 Cape Fear Middle School WoWinSchool Project are also shared.



In this presentation, you'll get a brief peek into the language arts course that's being developed (in Moodle) at Cape Fear Middle School supporting 8th Grade Language Arts.  These lessons are aligned to the Common Core standards.  This is still a work in progress, and we hope to be releasing these lessons to anyone who's interested soon. 


In this presentation, we begin with observations made during the first year at Cape Fear Middle School and explain the rationale and framework we're using as we move the program into the regular school day as a language arts enrichment elective called, WoWinSchool:  The Hero's Journey.


In Learning With the Lich King 2.0 you'll see some of the ideas used in the after-school program used in the first year at Cape Fear Middle and Suffern Middle Schools.

Learning With the Lich King 2.0


Azeroth Academy showcases some of the concepts and rationale behind using an MMORPG, like World of Warcraft in the classroom.

Azeroth Academy



Comments (2)

Rene said

at 1:00 pm on Mar 2, 2010

It is amazing being working in my school, In Puebla, México, uploading some planners and programs, and getting a notification straight to my cel, that WOWinschool is being (how cool can present progressive be?) edited.

Thank you for your amazing work.

I Still have not found, at least in Puebla México, administrators bold enough to give this project a chance. It is just the stage of my realm.

Good day.

Peggy Sheehy said

at 11:07 pm on Dec 14, 2012

Rene, if the main objections have to do with cost, check out the latest development of using Guild Wars 2 (which is subscription free) as an alternative to World of Warcraft, or a free alternative such as LOTRO.

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